Doors: 22:00

Start: 22:00

Presale: € 5,-

Box: € 6,-

Wegens omstandigheden is dit evenement helaas geannuleerd. Het zal verplaatst worden en er wordt gezocht naar een nieuwe datum. Tickets blijven geldig, of kunnen op verzoek terugbetaald worden.
– Team Oefenbunker

Tijdens deze editie van Bunker Techno kan je met de voetjes van de vloer tijdens: DRSSN, Agent Zero en DTST. Zorg dat jij erbij bent!

‘Dit evenement is 16+’


Human development is in constant motion. nothing is constant everything changes and also me as a person, which means that my musical identity always remains in motion / development. Because I am constantly developing myself, so my identity is not fixed either.

From an early age I have been searching for who I am at the core. As a result, I had to go through dark periods. Music has always pulled me through. that’s why my music has a raw edge that takes people into the darkness. The other side is that I come from an environment where spirituality is at the forefront. the message I want to convey is that I went through the darkness to find the light. By integrating these 2 aspects into my music I take people on my own journey in search of my full identity. in the end, it’s about the journey to discovering your own core.

Agent Zero

Agent Zero is a DJ, Producer and Secret Agent born in the Netherlands.

He started to have interest in being a DJ and playing tracks to his friends at about 10 years old at his parents attic, Later in his life he wanted to make his own music being inspired by Drum & Bass, Techno and Hardcore producers.
Once he started getting into music production around 2016 it was an instant full time passion until this day, combining genre breaking hard hitting Industrial Techno and Hardcore


DTST is een techno dj/producer in het minimalistisch en donkere hard techno genre van Limburgse bodem.
Zijn duistere, harde techno stijlen hebben zijn wegen gevonden diverse Duitse, Belgische en Nederlandse underground clubs. Zijn dj setjes zijn minimalistisch, donker, monotoon, stevig en rauw en dat vindt je ook terug in techno producties op labels van monotoon recordings en monotoon obscure records waar hij medeoprichter en mede-eigenaar van is van Heerlense bodem.
Zijn tracks en remixen zijn terug te vinden op diverse internationale labels met een collab van RXmode, DRSSN, Jens Manuel, Dann At Bridges, Carara, ROHS, Bas Albers, Tim J, Movement6, Binohm, en is terug te beluisteren op diverse White Noise Radio shows van Dave Clarke met remixen van RXmode.

Upcoming events

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Pothamus (BE) + Yantras [locatie: Nieuwe Nor Heerlen]

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24/7 Diva Heaven

zaterdag 31 mei 2025

The Rushians play RUSH

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